Childcare Certificates, CDA Courses
Home Visitor Credential
CourseBlended instruction for those seeking to earn the Home Visitor CDA Credential. Course includes 21 College Credits with dual Transcript, Portfolio (Success Kit via mail ) and Test Preparation. 100% of completed earners earn CDA Credential since 2015!
Childcare Certificates
Credential Dual Enrollment
BundleNot sure which credential you need...grab them both! Play on flat rate to attend...and be granted both transcripts! (Does not include the book or credential application fee)
Childcare Certificates
All In One: ECE Apprentice Manual
CourseStudent Success All In One Official ECE Apprentice Manual is a perfect supplement to the online course with guided instruction and a pre-tabbed binder to support your learning needs. Dual enrollment and Instructors Guide with Resources in each box!
Childcare Certificates
Transitioning Back - The New Normal (Safety In Review)
CourseInterested in learning more about the CDC Child Care Guidelines and strategies to support minimizing COVID or support staff through changes. This session is a quick review of suggested strategies.
Childcare Certificates
Intensive Credential Completion Course
CourseNeed assistance in only completing your Portfolio? We have a winning model of excellence and a final checkpoint to ensure you are not only meeting any course criteria from previous 120 hours but also you have a binder organized to meet CDA criteria.
Childcare Certificates
Instructional Design For Early Ed Professionals
CourseEarly Education Career Institute, provides an integrated Instructional Design Course for individuals working in vocational industries, related to children, families and the empowerment of others in the workforce, supporting passion to profit.